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The New World

  • Art mp3 | Fri, 17 Sep 2021 12:36:12 +0200
  • Datei Größe 10,661.24 Kilobytes | Track # 1
  • Jahr Nicht verfügbar | Album Nicht verfügbar
  • Genre Acoustic | Bemerkungen

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Vocalist - General, Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar, Bass Guitar.


I'm a songwriter. I completed a Diploma in Songwriting at BIMM in 2020. My tutors had the following to say about songs I wrote during my time at BIMM: "...your work on Howl-elujah – which is fantastic! Elements work together particularly effectively to create a song that is highly original, fun and conjures a unique aesthetic. The lyrics are engaging, and use striking, memorable and fun imagery to encourage a light-hearted acknowledgment of complex issues facing the modern human condition. The melody is strong, helped by some really inventive harmonies and the good chord sequence, and the two guitar parts work great together.." and "...The mantra/chant opening The Citizens of the Whirl is gorgeous and really sets the mood for a deeply reflective song subject matter. The guitar work with various riffs and developing little melodies is all great. The accompanying guitar strums work well. This song idea has potential to be developed into something much bigger..." and "...You have done well to submit 2 stylistically contrasting songs. 'Howl-elujah ( Eva Song), is a very well thought out piece, with harmony, melody, hooks and story-telling lyrics. You have managed to create a very real and organic atmosphere with this arrangement. The female vocal really compliments the lyrical perspective. The harmonies were well performed and arranged. It is clear that you have an ear for guitar melody and hooks. A particular highlight was the middle 8 section where you transition into a new key very nicely and even have a tempo change. You have proved that with minimal instrumentation that a good song can be written without the bells and whistles of modern technology and software. All you need is melody, harmony, rhythm and the truth...". OK, so enough of blowing my own trumpet. I write songs and they have the potential to be pretty good. I am looking for a collaborator who is reasonably proficient working with a DAW (I am almost useless with DAWs - I've been muddling along making basic demos with Audacity for a number of years but my ability with it is utterly rudimentary) and who can also play guitar and/or bass guitar and ideally can also sing (I can sing, to a moderate degree of proficiency) and who would be interested in working with me to complete songs and get them recorded using a DAW to a reasonably good sound quality. I am 52 and have some family commitments but I do not have the added time burden of a day-job. I have amps, an acoustic, an electric and a bass guitar in my apartment plus a tiny mixing desk and two vocal mics in my home. I don't have a car and I'm too old to be dragging guitars and amps on the bus so I'm looking for someone who would be willing to come to my place to work together. Perhaps it would be best if you were born sometime between 1965 and 1990 (I was born in 1971) so that we are both at sort of similar life-stages. My vision is to write and record songs that have poetic lyrical qualities and a unique and moderately experimental sound. Songwriters I admire are Dylan, early to mid period REM (Fables, Life's Rich Pageant, Document), mid period Tom Waits (Swordfishtrombones, Rain Dogs, Bone Machine) and Neil Young although I have no desire to emulate any of them. I also have an abiding interest in Pere Ubu, TV on the Radio and Brian Eno. I have developed, at least partially, my own style, which is typified by slow to mid paced music with a slightly hypnotic quality. I am strong on lyric writing (I've been scribbling away in notebooks since I was a teenager and I have a degree in English Lit. and I worked as a journalist for a time). I write words in what I hope is a poetic fashion and I marry them with chord sequences and melodies that I come up with on the guitar. On guitar and bass I am reasonably capable but I'm certainly no virtuoso. On vocals, I'm not too bad. Reasonably good. So, if what I've described here appeals to you please get in touch with a view to getting together once or twice a week to write songs/music together. Many thanks


Mitglied seit:
Sep 17 2021
Aktiv innerhalb eines Monats
Wie engagiert bist du:
Very Committed
Macht Musik seit wie vielen Jahren:
Gigs gespielt:
Under 10
Ich übe normalerweise:
More than 3 times per week
Am meisten verfügbar:


Acoustic Guitar:
Vocalist - General:
Rhythm Guitar:
Bass Guitar:


Takamine Acoustic (Dreadnought Size)
Squire Fender Telecaster
Peavey Bass Guitar
Teisco Valve Amp (Big heavy thing ;)
Laney 30 watt Amp with too many built in effects
Frederic Effects Harmonic Percolater (Distortion) Pedal
Mooer A7 Reverb pedal
KMA Astrospurt (Phaser) Pedal
M Audio Ambisonic Mic
Shure SM58 Vocal Mic
And, already more flippin cables and patches than I can sometimes keep in order - ha ha