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demo, mix of everything

  • Art mp3 | Fri, 05 May 2023 02:21:00 +0200
  • Datei Größe 8,604.08 Kilobytes | Track # 1
  • Jahr Nicht verfügbar | Album Nicht verfügbar
  • Genre Acoustic | Bemerkungen

    Nicht verfügbar

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Harmonica, Background Singer, Piano, Keyboard, Saxophone, Trumpet, Violin, Other Percussion, Drums, Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist - General, Steel guitar, Other, Trombone, Mandolin, Upright bass, Vocalist - Alto, Fiddle, Flute, Bagpipes, Dobro, Cello, Banjo, Accordion.


Hey Guys, I am looking for musicians to form a new band. So basically needed adult people who take the music in a serious way, so please no fking around :) I am a singer guitarist, please listen my vocal demo. I have got many songs ready to go but if you don't like it nevermind we can make something different and really badass sick stuff!

Here on my vocal demo is the first song is Korn quick cover, the second song is Meshuggah cover, other songs are my own, original ones. My vocals and lyrics is something I would say between of Alternative,Djent and Grunge wibe.
If you are keen to team up please shoot it here and please no country bullsh*t, it seems like here it is extreme XD

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Oct 01 2018
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Vocalist - Baritone:
Rhythm Guitar:
Lead Guitar:
Vocalist - Alto: